The Real Taglines of Every Housewife
The Real Taglines of Every Housewife
Every tagline from Season 15 of the Real Housewives of OC
All Seasons:
Those who live in small houses should definitely throw stones.
Those who live in small houses should definitely throw stones. - Gina Kirschenheiter
I earned my money the old-fashioned way: marrying it, then making more.
I earned my money the old-fashioned way: marrying it, then making more. - Elizabeth Lyn Vargas
Life is full of beautiful curves, and so am I.
Life is full of beautiful curves, and so am I. - Emily Simpson
Don’t judge me for what I do. In fact, just don’t judge me at all.
Don’t judge me for what I do. In fact, just don’t judge me at all. - Kelly Dodd
Cheers to bad choices — then making better ones.
Cheers to bad choices — then making better ones. - Braunwyn Windham-Burke
I’ve closed the old Bea-door and opened a new one.
I’ve closed the old Bea-door and opened a new one. - Shannon Beador